Follow Christ
*adapted from twowaystolive
You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they were created and have their being.
Revelation 4:11
God is the ruler of all and He is the Creator of all things. He created man to rule this world and give him glory.
Life is not a reflection of this...
Life is not a reflection of this...
We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to our own way…
Isaiah 53:6
This world is broken. Everything that is broken in this world and in our lives is a result of our rebellion against God's way. The bible calls rebellion against God "sin."
We reject God as the ruler of our life and want to rule ourselves living life our own way. In our sin and rebellion against God, we damage ourselves and the world around us.
What will God do about this rebellion?
We reject God as the ruler of our life and want to rule ourselves living life our own way. In our sin and rebellion against God, we damage ourselves and the world around us.
What will God do about this rebellion?
Just as people are destined to die once, and after that to face judgment.
Hebrews 9:27
Like a good ruler or king, God must do something in response to our sin and rebellion or he would not be just.
God will not let us rebel forever. There will be a day when He will punish that sin. God’s punishment for rebellion is death and judgment for all of eternity.
This sounds like bad news....but it's not the end of the story...
God will not let us rebel forever. There will be a day when He will punish that sin. God’s punishment for rebellion is death and judgment for all of eternity.
This sounds like bad news....but it's not the end of the story...
We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to our own way; and the LORD has laid on him the sins of us all.
Isaiah 53:6
God loves the world he created and he loves us. He made a way for us.
God sent his divine and only son, Jesus, to earth. Unlike us, Jesus lived a perfect life without sin or rebellion. Instead, he did everything to please his Father God.
But Jesus took our punishment by dying in our place. Jesus chose to take our sin upon himself and die the death that we should die. He was beaten, nailed to a Roman cross, died, and laid in a tomb.
There's more...
God sent his divine and only son, Jesus, to earth. Unlike us, Jesus lived a perfect life without sin or rebellion. Instead, he did everything to please his Father God.
But Jesus took our punishment by dying in our place. Jesus chose to take our sin upon himself and die the death that we should die. He was beaten, nailed to a Roman cross, died, and laid in a tomb.
There's more...
Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead…
1 Peter 1:3
God accepted Jesus’ death as payment for our sins; and after three days in the tomb, God raised him from the dead. After forty days, he ascended into heaven. Jesus defeated death and is the ruler and judge of God’s world.
Because Jesus defeated sin and death, he now offers to forgive all our sins. They’ve already been paid for, if we will only turn away from our sin and turn to him alone to be our Savior. We can now make a fresh start with God, no longer as rebels, but as his forgiven children.
In this new life that Jesus offers, God himself comes to live within us by his Holy Spirit. We can experience the forgiveness and joy of a right relationship with God for this life and for all of eternity.
One day, Jesus will return in all of his glory. He will come to judge the world. Those who are not God's children will spend eternity in death and suffering. But, those who trusted in him alone will spend all of eternity in heaven with him.
We are left with two options...
Because Jesus defeated sin and death, he now offers to forgive all our sins. They’ve already been paid for, if we will only turn away from our sin and turn to him alone to be our Savior. We can now make a fresh start with God, no longer as rebels, but as his forgiven children.
In this new life that Jesus offers, God himself comes to live within us by his Holy Spirit. We can experience the forgiveness and joy of a right relationship with God for this life and for all of eternity.
One day, Jesus will return in all of his glory. He will come to judge the world. Those who are not God's children will spend eternity in death and suffering. But, those who trusted in him alone will spend all of eternity in heaven with him.
We are left with two options...
Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life, for God’s wrath remains on them.
John 3:36
We can continue to live in rebellion against God, choosing to live life our own way. Many have chosen this path for their life. But, this choice will result in God's punishment and judgement for our decision—ultimate separation from God for all eternity.
But, there is another way. We can repent and turn to God and ask for forgiveness, trusting in Jesus as the resurrected Ruler and Savior—then everything changes.
Jesus makes all things new. He will forgive our sin and give us a new life that will last forever.
Which way will you choose?
But, there is another way. We can repent and turn to God and ask for forgiveness, trusting in Jesus as the resurrected Ruler and Savior—then everything changes.
Jesus makes all things new. He will forgive our sin and give us a new life that will last forever.
Which way will you choose?