The Bible is our ultimate authority for all matters of life and faith. Everything we say or do should be rooted in what we believe to be the fully inspired and inerrant word of God. This is the primary means by which we are saved, know and love God more deeply, are made more like our Lord Jesus Christ, and are empowered to live a life that brings Him glory. Therefore, we practice expository preaching and the encouragement of a regular practice of reading, understanding, and applying the Bible to one’s life. We always strive to point others back to the Bible as the solution to all of life’s cares.
Apart from Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit, we can accomplish nothing. If we are acting out of our own volition and trying to accomplish the mission of God in our own strength, our results will be, at best, a mere human substitute for that which God desires to build and, at worst, totally un-glorifying to Him. Therefore, we recognize our need for Christ and seek to remain close to Him through a regular practice of bible reading, prayer, and worship with our brothers and sisters in Christ. Through our dependence on Him, He will be faithful to build the church.
God has called us out of darkness and into His marvelous light. We recognize that our hope in Christ is only because of His grace and love for us. To live a life that communicates that we have it all together, or that in some way we merited God’s grace, only serves to diminish the greatness of God and reflects to the world an ingenuine faith. Therefore, we must allow the word of God and the work of the Holy Spirit to convict us of our sin. We must flee from that sin and strive for holiness in every area of life, in order that we might show the world that Christ’s power does truly change us. We must communicate that it is only because of Christ and His redeeming work in our lives that there is any good in us at all. This enables us to show the world that we desire good and do good because He is good. In doing so, we can encourage others to walk in fellowship with us as broken cisterns on a journey to be molded evermore into the likeness of Christ.